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Weight training for athletic proformance

When training for athletic proformance its a few execerises that will help with any type of athlete and some that are especially for that sport due to the primary muscles used in the sport. The way one would lift for basket ball and football would be different although some parts of the program will have the same execrises in them- although the ultimate goal most likely will differ, case by case.

There are a few considerations when determining a weight lifting program that works for you or your team...

  1. Genetic predisposition
  2. Time restraints
  3. Physical needs- a clear example of this is when your chest is twice the size of your back and causes your chest and back to be uneven.
  4. Current fitness level
  5. Specific athletic weight lifting concentrations.
  6. Keeping track of training sessions, goals and mini goals

Creating a Intensity program

When competiting in sports the intensity is normally a characteristic that someone has naturally or doesnt have. Just because you are not naturally intense doesn't mean you can not be trained it or cant not form through experience. One way to achieve "intensity" is through olympic lifts that require full body working together simultinously using massive amounts of coridination using muscles throughout your feet to your neck.

    The essential lifts for athletic proformance
  1. Squats- Works on you r leg strength namely your quads and hips
  2. power cleans- full body explosive activity which may increase athletic explosiveness when it comes to jumping when it is done correctly
  3. Snatches- full body explosiveness which just like power cleans when done correctly will improve explosiveness
  4. High Row Pulls-This execrise mostly helps with the two lifts power clean and snatches, it works again full body explosiveness when done correctly
  5. Dead lifts-Works on your lower back and hips when done correctly

When dealing with with sports most sports outside of a few require a certian amount of power, explosiveness and cordination that these execrises provide. Another exercise that should be done but were not on the list due to the amount of individuals who tend to overuse them more so then they should... Namely the bench press, one of the most over rated execrises that does help with the expansion of the chest but is done entirely to much without considering the need to work on other parts of the body. Incline, Delcine and regular bench press.

Question to ask yourself, this someone who can put 315lbs bench press or 315 power clean and jerk, which is more impressive? If you where to only have 30 minutes a day to work out what would give you the most return from your workout?


Other exercises that will help your body develop are lounges, shurgs, bicep curls, leg curls, leg extension, leg press, tricep extension, tricep pull downs, pull ups and dips. These are very valuable in execerise when time permits you to be able to touch on... If you were to only have 1 hour of time to work out it would be best to work on one of explosive ones power clean or snatch, then pulls and then a couple of other workouts pending on if you want to work on your lower or upper half, back or foward.

Articles that may help with your training

10 mistakes or trends to aviod looking for athletic excellence

Tips on designing your workout


Full Body Lifting

Power cleans

Power Snatches

High Row Pulls

Dead Lifts


Bicep and Tricep execrises

Bench press and other chest exercise

Calfs and ankles execerises

Quads and hamstring execrises

Back execrises


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